FTE CEO Daniel Coleman shares 2024 events update

FTE event dates for 2024
Future Travel Experience (FTE) CEO Daniel Coleman shared a “save the date” letter this week, providing updates on a number of the organization’s partnerships, events and plans for the year. PAX Tech is proud to be a trusted news source and official media partner for FTE's 2024 calendar of events.
“Dear friends and colleagues, I write this note 10,000m up on a packed flight back from Istanbul,” Coleman said in his letter. “It is an incredibly buoyant and exciting time for our sector as demand to travel is still booming, and it feels the industry is really now taking on the big topics like digital transformation, empowering workforce and passengers, and sustainability, which too often in previous years were just being paid lip service to in my view.”
He added that the expanded FTE Advisory Board believes that this decade will be a defining era for the aviation sector.
FTE Aviation & Robotics Summit
Coleman also provided a look at FTE’s upcoming events, including The Aviation & Robotics Summit, which is taking place in Pittsburgh from May 14 to 16.
“It rewrites the rules on what you can expect from an industry event – taking place at the renowned Carnegie Mellon University with an opening keynote from Alaska Airlines and contributions from pioneers inside and outside of our sector,” Coleman said.
The event is free to attend for airline and airport executives.
FTE EMEA and FTE Ancillary & Retailing agendas revealed
In his letter, Coleman also touched on the upcoming co-located FTE EMEA and FTE Ancillary & Retailing events, taking place in Dublin from June 11th to 13th. Highlights of the event include an opening keynote session including an interview with Anko van der Werff, CEO, of SAS, a major focus on AI and the reveal of a brand-new Think Tank on “Future Differentiation & Business Models” with senior executives from flyadeal, Vantage Airport Group, Beond, Keflavik Airport (KEF), CAVU and Fast Future.
Ryanair has been announced as the Headline Partner for the event, which is free to attend for airlines and is low-cost for airports. Ryanair joins International Airlines Group (IAG), APEX and Dublin Airport (DUB) as fellow Headline Partners.
FTE Communities update
Coleman provided an update on the growing FTE communities around the globe, noting that there are now almost 850 member organizations collectively.
“The speed at which the FTE Communities memberships are scaling and inspiring one another is a great source of pride to me, because I am convinced we will find the right approaches much faster as an industry if we pool our ideas and learnings to move forward as one versus working in silos,” he said.
Collectively, FTE’s Hub, BIWG and World Airport Retailing Working Group (WARWG) have almost 850 individual corporations as members.
He noted that the in-person community meetings are special, enabling relationship-building and deeper discussions on topics away from the official proceedings of FTE’s larger events.
“I look forward to our next meeting in Frankfurt on April 15th, kindly hosted by Lufthansa, and those around our landmark Aviation & Robotics event in Pittsburgh on 14 May, and ahead of our Dublin event on June 11th and to hearing the latest on a number of the POCs taking place within the groups,” Coleman said.
FTE calendar events for 2024
The line-up for of remaining FTE events and meetings for 2024 is:
April 15, 2024 (Frankfurt): FTE Digital, Innovation & Startup Hub and FTE Baggage Innovation Working Group (BIWG) meeting hosted by Lufthansa
May 14 to 16, 2024 (Pittsburgh): FTE Aviation & Robotics Summit hosted by Pittsburgh International Airport (FTE Hub and BIWG meetings)
June 11 to 13, 2024 (Dublin): FTE EMEA & FTE Ancillary & Retailing delivered in partnership with IAG, Dublin Airport and Ryanair (FTE World Airport Retailing Working Group, Hub and BIWG meetings)
October 28 to 30, 2024 (Los Angeles): FTE Global co-located with APEX/IFSA Global EXPO (FTE World Airport Retailing Working Group, Hub and BIWG meetings)
November 19 to 20, 2024 (Singapore): FTE APEX Asia Expo delivered in partnership with Changi Airport Group, Onboard Hospitality and Singapore Airlines (FTE Hub and BIWG meetings)