October 6 2020  |  Events

Video Clip: Joe Leader on APEX, IFSA refreshed logos and website

By Rick Lundstrom

Dr. Joe Leader, Chief Executive Officer of APEX and IFSA tells PAX International the important message behind the updated logos and websites

Visitors and members will see updated appearances for both the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) and the International Flight Services Association (IFSA) websites, live now.

Complete with new logos for each, the goal of the update is to tie the associations together more closely, along with creating a connection to the Future Travel Experience (FTE) group.

For APEX and IFSA members, instead of having to input a password every time, the website now offers a ‘Remember Me’ option that maintains the “Members Only” look throughout.

“It’s our first major relaunch in a decade, and we designed it so it really shows that we’re acting in unison,” Dr. Joe Leader, Chief Executive Officer, APEX, IFSA, tells PAX International. “Our new website is probably what we’re most proud of. It's really powerful and launching it is a point of pride."

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