Aviation Trends

Airport Dimensions research pin-points…
Airports must adapt their retail and experience offerings to appeal to the modern traveler

Airport Dimensions research shows…
There is a reported growing openness to new ways of spending time at the airport

IATA expects airlines will return…
Airlines are expected to post a small net profit of $4.7 billion

Global traffic at 74 percent of…
Domestic travel experiences small slip but total industry recovery still on the rise

Holidays top the list of most important…
easyJet survey reveals that holidays remain priority for 70 percent of Brits

International tourism to reach…
International tourism on track, says UNWTO

IATA reports total air traffic…
September IATA data shows industry recovery

Smartsky weather feature a highlight…
Skytelligence available to fixed base operators

Road to recovery: Conversation…
This year’s APEX/IFSA Expo comes at a time when expectations and challenges are large

Guest column: The value game
In this guest column founder of branding.aero comments on the new breed of passenger that emerged post-pandemic
Net zero CO2 emissions by 2050…
IATA estimates that perhaps 65 percent of the mitigation needed for net zero emissions in 2050…
IATA announces continued momentum…
International traffic rose more than 115 percent from last year’s report