Airline & Terminal News

Hawaiian Airlines reveals design…
The airline's Premium Lounge in Honolulu is set to be five times larger than the existing lounge

Hawaiian Airlines releases plan…
Hawaiian Airlines sets incremental goals to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

Hawaiian Airlines streamlines security…
Hawaiian Airlines investing millions to make security screening smoother

Hawaiian outlines goals to promote…
Hawaiian Airlines shares sustainability goals

Hawaiian Airlines to offer pre-travel…
The test are administered via drive-through

Hawaiian Airlines adopts stricter…
The policy is launched through the 'Keeping You Safe' program

Hawaiian Airlines names new vice…
Robert Johnson is promoted to Vice President Flight Operations

Hawaiian Airlines redesigns HNL…
New check-in kiosks are expected to enhance passenger experience

Hawaiian Airlines marks Pride Month…
Part of the proceeds will benefit the Hawai’i LGBT Legacy Foundation

Hawaiian launches basic fares in…
With this new fare option, travelers have access to lower prices