May 3 2022  |  Airline & Terminal News

THAI and Doi Tung launch black silk blend coffee onboard

By Jane Hobson

This is a special feature from PAX International's 2022 May Asia-Pacific digital issue, on page 6.

Thai Airways and Doi Tung are bringing locally sourced drip coffee into the cabin

THAI passengers traveling on the Royal First and Royal Silk classes to Europe, Australia, Japan and Korea destinations will be able to enjoy black silk blend premium drip coffee. Doi Tung Development Project produced an extract for THAI with a taste and aroma that engages the six senses, for a “magically smooth” experience at 30,000 feet, reads the March 14 press release.

The partnership aims to help generate local employment, a circular economy, and sustainable community development. The coffee beans are harvested by local farmers on hills at 1,200 meters above sea level and roasted through a sustainable process by Doi Tung.

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