December 20 2023  |  Aviation Trends

Reaching for reusables: easyJet issues cutlery and cups for pilots and crew

By PAX International Magazine Staff

easyJet crew with reusable cups

easyJet is making an environmentally friendly move, announcing that 14,000 crew will be issued with reusable cups and cutlery from January 2024. The initiative is expected to prevent more than 10 million single-use items from being wasted per year, which is equivalent to 71 tonnes of single-use waste per year, explained the airline's press release. The official rollout to all crew based in the EU, Switzerland and the UK comes after a successful trial earlier this year.

The reusable cups and cutlery are made from durable materials, increasing their sustainability. All crew will receive their new cups and cutlery sets in the coming weeks, with the rollout set for completion by January 2024. All new pilots and cabin crew joining easyJet will receive a cup and cutlery set as part of their new entrant uniform allocation.

All 14,000 crew will be issued with reusable cups and cutlery from January 2024

“As always, our brilliant crew took this trial under their wings and through their passion and dedication to reduce unnecessary waste, we are now able to roll out this fantastic initiative network-wide,” said Angela Mullen, Head of Inflight Retail Operations at easyJet.

“This is just one of the many ways we’re working to lower the impact of our operations and we’ll continue to trial new initiatives and make continuous improvements to help accomplish this goal.”

easyJet launched its net zero roadmap in 2022, with a vision to reduce carbon emissions per passenger, per kilometre by 78 percent by 2050 (compared to 2019). The roadmap includes using Sustainable Aviation Fuel, carbon removal technology and fleet renewal, among other strategies.

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