May 20 2022  |  People

Pegasus Airlines names CCO

By Jayson Koblun

Onur Dedeköylü, Chief Commercial Officer, Pegasus Airlines

Onur Dedeköylü, who has been working as Senior Vice President for Marketing at Pegasus Airlines since 2010 has been appointed Chief Commercial Officer (CCO).

Dedeköylü will manage the commercial division, consisting of the sales, network planning, marketing, revenue management and pricing, guest experience and cargo departments.

The new CCO is a graduate of Industrial Engineering from Boğaziçi University and holds an MBA degree in marketing and finance from Georgia State University in Atlanta. He began his career at Gillette working in the fields of sales and marketing. After working at the global headquarters of Kimberly Clark’s health products division in Atlanta, US, he continued his career in the UK. He worked in the fields of market research, product development and brand management at Hasbro’s European headquarters in the UK.

Dedeköylü started his new role on May 13.

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