August 29 2024  |  Partnerships, Collaborations & Acquisitions

PAX gears up for Global EXPO 2024 as media partner

By PAX Magazine Staff

Dr. Joe Leader, Group CEO of APEX, IFSA and FTE (fourth from right), cuts the ribbon at APEX/IFSA and FTE Global EXPO on September 19, 2023

Following renewed media partnerships with APEX (Airline Passenger Experience Association), IFSA (International Flight Services Association) FTE (Future Travel Experience), PAX International and PAX Tech are now gearing up for Global EXPO 2024. Taking place October 28 to 30 at the Long Beach Convention Centre in Long Beach, California, USA, PAX journalists will be present providing daily industry updates out of the event.

“We are grateful for our work with APEX/IFSA and FTE and are looking very forward to another successful Global EXPO. Stay close to our website, updated daily, and our e-newsletter, sent weekly, to stay in the know,” says Aijaz Khan, Publisher, PAX International and PAX Tech.

"PAX is very proud to be a media partner and work so closely with APEX/IFSA and FTE. We expect this year's Global EXPO to be a tremendously successful event once again,” says Managing Editor Jane Hobson. Hobson will also be a judge at this year's awards.

In 2023, Global XPO brought together almost 3,000 attendees, more than 97 airlines and 76 airport operators. PAX was thrilled to be onsite sharing live updates from the 2023 EXPO, including speakers, the exhibition floor and media briefings.

What you need to know about PAX International and PAX Tech

PAX International has been a media partner for IFSA for 25 years, and PAX Tech is proud to have covered APEX’s events for the last five years. As a long-time media partner, PAX supports the Associations, covering news and events throughout the year.

As the leading voice of news and analysis in the industry, PAX International covers IFSA and all things passenger services, while PAX Tech covers APEX and everything tech-related; seating, IFE, connectivity, lighting and more.

PAX International and PAX Tech are proud to publish six magazines each per year, plus 52 issues of the weekly e-newsletter, with coverage gaining more than one million impressions per year across all social channels with more than 7,500 total followers.

Events to look forward to in the second half of this year

Impressive history

Aijaz Khan, Publisher, PAX Tech and PAX International (left) with Daniel Coleman, FTE CEO, at APEX/IFSA and FTE Global EXPO 2023

Through its quarter century in business, PAX has been the trusted source of news covering IFSA, continuing the trend in partnership with APEX and FTE. PAX journalists worked diligently with APEX through the pandemic, covering the Associations’ advocacy to reopen U.S. borders, to return to in-person conferences and to lift the inflight mask mandate.

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