February 5 2019  |  Catering

Monty's Bakehouse invests in long-term secure logistics program

By PAX International

Harry Crane, Monty's Bakehouse Security Manager

After reviewing airline security regulations and laws in the UK and EU, Monty's Bakehouse has created a long-term airline security solution for airline caterers that it has labelled "Brexit-proof."

According to a February 5 release from the food-to-go company, its Inflight Supply (IFS) security solution will comply with future regulations in the UK and EU and remain compliant to whatever form of Brexit arrangements are finally agreed upon. The company says this makes Monty's the first to deliver a comprehensive solution of this type.

All goods within the Monty’s Bakehouse UK and EU network are X-ray screened and securely delivered to UK and EU airline caterers as part of the new security solution.

In October 2018, successful internal audits by accredited airline security agencies were conducted to test for compliance, as well as audits by Regulated Catering Suppliers. The new IFS system is now live across Monty’s Bakehouse's entire UK and EU network.

The company notes that checks are legally required to ensure that products supplied to airline caterers by Known Suppliers of IFS and boarded on aircraft across the UK and EU do not contain any dangerous items. The regulations applied by the UK and EU cover all areas of airline security including airports, passengers, cargo and IFS, Monty's notes, but can sometimes be difficult to understand, especially to those new to the industry.

Harry Crane, Security Manager at Monty’s Bakehouse, commented in a statement: “As Monty’s Bakehouse continues to grow and legal and regulatory compliance increases, it is vital that our security processes adapt and are scalable to protect our Known Supplier status and the potential changing relationship between the UK and EU. The company has always taken its security obligations very seriously and has invested over £750,000 [approximately US$971,355] in the new security system and we are delighted by the reception this has received by all those involved.

“All goods supplied by Monty’s Bakehouse are X-ray screened at warehouses in the UK and Central Europe where they are then picked and sealed and held securely by trained personnel under CCTV conditions prior to dispatch to airport catering units. Caterers, who predominantly act as Regulated Suppliers, with responsibility for auditing Known Suppliers, such as Monty’s Bakehouse, have now conducted site audits and have commented on the thoroughness of our Security Program. Although these regulations specifically apply to UK and EU IFS, we recognize our responsibility when delivering to all of our customers and are now capable of applying these controls to all global deliveries.”

Mike Lord, Director of UK Security Consultancy RedKite Aviation, also commented: “Since being introduced in 2001 after the events of 9/11, the implementation of the required controls have been applied and enforced like layers of an onion from the aircraft on the runway outwards. The outer layers are the suppliers who deliver goods to airports and who are now required to demonstrate they reach the mandated legal requirements of safety and security allowing their product, and their company, to become classified as a ‘Known Supplier of IFS’”.

For more information, visit Monty’s Bakehouse at this April's World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo, stand 1C20.

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