Passenger Services
WTCE issue: Cateringpor is proudly…
Lisbon-based Cateringpor has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it can deliver the delicious, nutritious meals that airlines…
WTCE issue: Committed to honour…
GIC Catering reflects on its roots while looking to the future
WTCE issue: White Glo is launching…
White Glo’s Isabella Chen shares the story of how this global brand went from an Australian small business serving actors…
Bringing India’s best to the skies…
Indian air catering company TajSATS has been surpassing passenger expectations for decades. PAX International speaks with…
WTCE issue: Firsts with FORMIA
FORMIA introduces two exclusive amenity kit collections for China Airlines with two first time…
WTCE issue: Tote-ally functional…
A look at the tote bags Etihad and Kaelis have brought to the cabin, combining practicality, style and sustainability
What’s on TAP?
TAP Air Portugal highlights plans for the promising year ahead in this exclusive interview
WTCE issue: Sous vide solutions
Cuisine Solutions is taking its latest sous vide menu creations to WTCE and NRAS this month
WTCE issue: Catering trends ready…
Flying Food Group reflects on its 40th anniversary and ongoing partnership with Starlux while examining trends for 2024
WTCE issue: Calvetti Meats' big…
An in-depth interview with Jamie Calvetti as James Calvetti Meats Inc. celebrates its 50th anniversary
WTCE issue Guest Column: Ambient…
In this guest column, Marc Warde, Special Meal Program Director at Foodcase International,…
WTCE issue: From chaos to order
An in-depth look at Wexiödisk’s automatic cutlery sorting machine, the ACS400HC