February 5 2020  |  Seating

STELIA Aerospace awarded Top Employer honors

By Rick Lundstrom

Marc Jouenne Senior Vice President Human Resources at STELIA Aerospace (right) received the Top Employer Award from Vincent Binetruy Managing Director Top Employers Institute

STELIA Aerospace has been awarded the “Top Employer” certification for 2020, for the second consecutive year.

The company received the honor afterseveral months of audit led by the international Top Employers Institute, comparing STELIA Aerospace’s human resource strategies, policies, processes and tools with the best practices worldwide, and after a second audit led by an independent organization.

The international “Top Employer” certification was awarded to 91 French companies this year, among which only two companies in the aeronautical industry.

The annual study conducted by the Top Employers Institute recognizes the best employers throughout the world, across all sectors of activity. The awarded companies are ones that offer a qualitative work environment, encourage the development of talents at all stages and try to constantly improve their HR practices.

“Obtaining the “Top Employer” certification once again is a strong endorsement of our employer processes and policies, and we are very proud,” said Cédric Gautier, STELIA Aerospace Chief Executive Officer in today's announcement. “Beyond the efforts of our HR teams to accompany the development of our men and women, this certification is also the result of the implication of all our employees. Much more than just a satisfaction survey, this certification represents the recognition of our processes aimed at being the “best in class” and enabling our company to maintain its external reputation and image.”

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