May 29 2019  |  Connectivity & Satellites

Gogo planning jump to 5G

By Pax International

Gogo is moving ahead with next steps to build a 5G air-to-ground network for aviation in North America.

“The new air-to-ground (ATG) network will be designed for use on business aviation aircraft, commercial regional jets and smaller mainline jets operating within the contiguous United States and Canada,” said a release from the company. “Gogo expects the network to be available for business and commercial aviation in 2021.

The 5G network will be built on existing infrastructure of more than 250 towers and will use unlicensed spectrum in the 2.4GHz range, along with a proprietary modem and advanced “beamforming” technology. Gogo's 5G infrastructure will support all spectrum types (licensed, shared, unlicensed) and bands (mid, high, low), and will allow Gogo to take advantage of new advances in technology as they are developed.

"Similar to how wireless carriers provide redundancy across their networks, Gogo will continue to employ its 3G and 4G networks throughout the continental U.S. and in Canada that will provide backup to the 5G network when needed,” said the company.

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